Monaco skin
From Monaco help Wiki
Do you miss the Monaco skin?
All ShoutWiki wikis can now have the Monaco skin, see this announcement. You can also add the Monaco skin to your wiki in 10 minutes (Detailed instructions) (Discussion and questions)
All ShoutWiki wikis can now have the Monaco skin, see this announcement. You can also add the Monaco skin to your wiki in 10 minutes (Detailed instructions) (Discussion and questions)
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A skin changes the look and feel of a site without chaging its core features.
Monaco was the skin before Wikia. Many editors prefer this skin over the new skin "Wikia", and this is why editors left wikia.
Monaco skin available on ShoutWiki[edit source]
File:Monaco on shoutwiki.PNG
Monaco on shoutWiki
- Further reading: Wikia v ShoutWiki
ShoutWiki has Monaco. You can enable it on your preferences,[1] and it is not a premium feature.[2]
Monaco skin available to download[edit source]

Dantman Monaco port installed on the AWAMember's wiki
With the Dantman Monaco port, wikis running MediaWiki 1.16+ can run Monaco. Installation is in less than 10 minutes.
File:Main Page - Club Penguin Wiki Central monaco.png
Club Penguin Wiki with Monaco
The Club Penguin Wiki Network successfully installed Monaco and has its CSS customized for Monaco.
Monaco skin installation[edit | edit source]
See Monaco port
Installing Monaco skin on your own wiki before[edit | edit source]
Before the Dantman/Monaco-port, installing Monaco skin on your own wiki is incredibly difficult. stated:
- ...the originally planned "Monaco" skin (was not implemented). We admittedly found that Monaco was more of a trouble to install due to some missing code parts, so we decided to look at a close but easier alternative to give everyone a look that may be little different, but still feels familiar to them.[1]
- It appears that you may be in for an impossible task (exporting Monaco to another wiki) -- the Monaco skin appears to be pretty heavily entwined in the Wikia site. I could not locate a single thread where a user successfully exported the Monaco skin to their wiki.[2]
- "Monaco is a wikia in-house customised skin. It is not one of the native Mediawiki skins, and to my knowledge, monaco is not in use anywhere else."[3]
See also[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
- Monaco skin alternatives: Looking for a slick nav menu like Wikia's,
- This article uses material from the "Monaco skin" article on Anti-Wikia Alliance and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.