Examples of customized Monaco skins
Customizing Monaco | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All Wikia can be customized to change the look and feel of the site. This is a gallery of some of the best customizations so far on Wikia, using Wikia's Monaco skin.
If you have made changes to your Monaco skin, and would like to add the example to this page then please do.
Monaco can be customized by editing the style sheet at http://WIKINAME.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Monaco.css and certain interface pages in the MediaWiki namespace; details can be found at Halp:Customizing Monaco, and Community Team members are available to help you learn.
To borrow a technique from one of these wikis, copy the relevant section of CSS from their style sheet into yours and adjust as necessary. While code may be freely borrowed, please do not use images from other wikis for background, bullets or other graphic elements unless you have discussed it with the designers -- substitute your own images into the code instead. The point of customization is to look different from other wikis, and it is impolite to borrow another wiki's signature design without permission.
Age of Conan Wiki[edit | edit source]
Dark theme, white text on dark backgrounds (previously an earth brown theme).
Avatar Wiki (The Last Airbender)[edit | edit source]
Darker theme with white page backgrounds based around blue, the predominant color of the upcoming film adaptation of the series. The wiki is unique in that it uses three completely different skins, utilizing four different sets of CSS, one for each skin and one more for the main page. An orange theme is used for articles relating to the original series, and a theme of blacks and whites is used for fanon and fan fiction articles.
Children's Books Wiki[edit | edit source]
Basically the Jade theme, with the Monaco sidebar green with white text.
Creative Writing Wiki[edit | edit source]
A lot of tweaks to transform Monaco into the style of a book.
DC Animated Universe (DCAU)[edit | edit source]
Ocean blue skin, with rounded corners. Customized banner area.
Dead Frontier Wiki[edit | edit source]
This wiki features a heavily modified black & red based skin with a large banner, a unique navigation menu, and various other interesting effects.
D'jinni Wiki[edit | edit source]
Dark skin (white text on blue-grey bg), though still fairly light. Heavily customized banner area.
Duty & Valour[edit | edit source]
Olive green headers and menus (black text on various different shades of olive backgrounds) with rounded corners — Canadian pattern camouflage theme. Heavily customized side bar, widget, header and other areas.
The Emperor's New Wiki[edit | edit source]
Emperor's New Groove customized theme, with yellow buttons, orange/gold links, blue font, customized background and semi-transparent pages.
EQ2i (EverQuest 2 wiki)[edit | edit source]
Customized version of Monaco Sapphire with reduced spacing and more curves.
FFXIclopedia (Final Fantasy XI wiki)[edit | edit source]
Light blue skin with customized header area.
The Hardy Boys Wiki[edit | edit source]
Based on The Hardy Boys book covers - bright blue, white, and black.
Harry Potter Wiki[edit | edit source]
Two toned blue-green skin with customized header area, designed to reflect the color scheme used in the recent Harry Potter film series.
Homeworld Wiki (Encyclopedia Hiigara)[edit | edit source]
Heavily customized space-age tech theme. Adds half-transparent backgrounds, logo removed, "request a wiki" relocated, fully customized menu, reworked Recent Changes and many, many other mods.
Jimmy Fincher Wiki[edit | edit source]
Dark purple and gray skin.
MS Paint Adventures Wiki[edit | edit source]
Custom edit bar, text-transformed links and headers. Mid to light grey color scheme. Aliased Wikia logo.
ParagonWiki (City of Heroes/Villains wiki)[edit | edit source]
Light skin, with dark blue highlights.
Phineas and Ferb Wiki[edit | edit source]
Custom Phineas and Ferb themed skin. Beige skin, orange links, red and yellow backdrops, and special gray background.
Regnumpedia (Es.Regnum Wiki)[edit | edit source]
Dark skin (white text on blue-grey bg), though still fairly light. Heavily customized banner area.
the Software Wiki[edit | edit source]
Dark/green, "Carbon"-based skin with a lot of rounded corners and box-shadows.
- Software Wiki main page
- MediaWiki:Common.css style sheet (containing what is shared by Monobook (also dark/green) and Monaco)
- MediaWiki:Monaco.css style sheet
Too Human Database (Too Human wiki)[edit | edit source]
Dark skin, black and blue backgrounds with white text.
WikiNarnia (The Chronicles of Narnia Wiki)[edit | edit source]
Customized header and sidebar colors, Heavily customized banner, custom parchment background for pages, navigation, and widgets.
Wookieepedia (Star Wars wiki)[edit | edit source]
Star Wars influenced design - light blues and black highlights.
Worldwide Trams Wiki (Trams wiki)[edit | edit source]
Light blue skin.
WoWWiki[edit | edit source]
Dark gray theme - text is off-white on grey. Useful for those who switch in and out of game, as the colours are not blinding after a session in a dark dungeon.
WyMUN Wiki[edit | edit source]
Mostly white pages with a few particular shades of purple for highlights. United Nations themed accents frame the pages for wider monitors. Pictures of country's flags lend more color to the page.
Zeldapedia (The Legend of Zelda wiki)[edit | edit source]
Greenish / gold skin.
- This article uses material from the "Halp:Examples of customized Monaco skins" article on Archived Help Wiki and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.